Water Issues Committee
Members Only
Open to All AWA Members
Meeting are held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month
(except April, August, December)
90 minutes per meeting from 8:00am - 9:30am.
Located at United Water Headquarters: 1701 North Lombard Street #200, Oxnard CA 93030
Stacy Roscoe
AWA Member/Past President
Ann DeMartini
AWA 2024-25 President
Wanda Moyer
AWA Alternate Director
Committee Charge
Assist in conflict resolution/avoidance whenever possible: Agency to Agency, Area to Area.
Consensus Building: Gather consensus to promote a united position and have great impact when appropriate.
Legislative Input: Unification of positions when appropriate. Use AWA as a forum to generate synergy.
Disseminate information, communication and education on issues studied through AWA Board of Directors, website, WaterWise Breakfast Meetings, Water Symposium, and special workshops.
Committee Standing Monthly Reports
The following items will be discussed at each meeting:
Watershed Reports: Calleguas (Henry Graumlich), Santa Clara (Bram Secru), Ventura (Mike Flood)
Water Legislation: Charlotte Holifield (CMWD), Mauricio Guardado (UWCD), Christine Frey (MWD)
County Water Resources (Arne Anselm)
Water Conservation / Efficiency (Wanda Moyer)
State Water Supply (Jacque McMillan)
Water Agency / Purveyors / Business Reports (Roundtable Open Discussion of Committee Members)
AWA Bulletin Board Reports (Kelle Pistone)
Focus Topic (Concentrated review/study of pre-selected water issue topic from "Plan of Work". Topic changes each month.
Water Supply
Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) / Groundwater Sustainability Plans (GSPs)
Regional and Conjunctive Use under GSPs (as it pertains to regions)
Basin Group Updates (LPUG, OX-PV, Basin Group, Mound/Fillmore-Piru, Upper Ojai, Ventura River etc.)
Projects (Supply, Resiliency, Storage, Augmentation, Sustainability etc.)
Imported Water
Stormwater Capture
Groundwater Recharge
Water Reclamation
Portable Reuse (i.e. Ventura Water Pure; Las Virgenes / Triunfo Pure Water, etc.)
Oxnard Water Project
Brackish Water (Sea Water Intrusion)
Desalination Projects (UWCD Extraction Barrier Brackish Water Project, LVMWD Deep Sea, etc.)
Local Recycled Water Projects
Regionalization / Collaboration
Multi-Benefit Water Projects and Interagency Cooperative Projects
Ventura County Agricultural Irrigated Lands Group (VCAILG) Updates
Purveyors Water Supply Alternative Studies
Water Resource Plans (Comprehensive Water Resource Planning)
California Water Resilience Portfolio (State Mandate on Water Usage/Delivery/Retailers)
MS4 Stormwater Permit - Watershed Management Planning Efforts
Funding &
Cost Issues
Rate Setting
Best Practices
Cost/Value of Water
Public Outreach of Countywide Collaboration and Partnerships
Legislative/Regulatory/Policy Related Outreach (Watch list prior to passage)
Channel Counties Water Utility Committee
A Sub-Committee of the Water Systems Committee
Meetings are in-person only
9 Scheduled Meetings per year. Orchid Building 816 Camarillo Springs Rd. Camarillo Ca
Meeting are typically held on the 4th Wednesday of each month from 11:30am - 1:30pm.
Networking, Luncheon, Keynote Speaker, DDW Contact Hour Certification
Special workshops are held throughout the year (See AWA Calendar)
Annual Operator Technology Workshop and Vendor Fair (in-person)
held in conjunction with AWA Water Symposium
33rd Annual - April 17, 2025 (Oxnard Courtyard by Marriott)
Committee Chair
Calleguas Municipal Water District
To be announced
Committee Vice-Chair
AWA Director
Ann DeMartini, Water Systems Chair
Contact Hour Coordinator
Shawn Triplett, Las Virgenes MWD
Water Operator Math Workshop Coordinator (Distribution)
Julia Aranda, Casitas MWD
Disaster Preparedness
Daniel Cohen, Calleguas MWD
Bret Sherman, City of Thousand Oaks
Water Operator Math Workshop Coordinator (Treatment)
Mike Devlahovich City of Thousand Oaks
Committee Members
Frank Almazan, City of Santa Paula
Tim Brown, City of Camarillo
Randy Castaneda, United Water
Mike Devlahovich, City of Thousand Oaks
Mike Jasper, California Water Service
Steve Kadowaki, United Water
Brad Milner, Milner-Villa Consulting
Amy Mueller, Calleguas MWD
Tim Newsadder, SoCal Water Pro
Theo Provencio, Port Hueneme Water Agency
Committee Charge
To provide local educational opportunities for area water operators, managers and field service workers in the areas of:
Regulatory Issues
​EARN CONTACT HOURS: Programs provide valuable California Division of Drinking Water (CDDW) operator contact hours.
Special Training Workshops on:
Operator Distribution Math Refresher
Operator Treatment Math Refresher
and more scheduled throughout the year (see AWA Calendar)
Disaster Response Committee
A Sub-Committee of the Water Systems Committee
The Committee Chair, Daniel Cohen, holds quarterly meetings with the emergency committee to update the committee members on emergency planning and to plan workshops for emergency managers to aid in disaster planning and awareness. The emergency coordinators meetings enable water agencies to network for better coordination in the event of a disaster.
Daniel Cohen
Ventura County EOS Sheriff OES Water Representative
(Calleguas MWD)
Ann DeMartini
Vice Chair
AWA President Elect
Tony Huynh, United Water Conservation District
(on-call Ventura County EOC Sheriff OES Water Representative)
Kelle Pistone, AWA
Jim Korkosz, Las Virgenes MWD
Greg Romey, Casitas Water District
Water Systems Committee
Meeting Times and Locations Vary.
Meetings are 1 hour and Workshops 3 - 4 hours.
Ann DeMartini
AWA 2024-25 President
AWA Water Systems Committee
Mission Statement
The goal of the AWA Water Systems Committee is to assist the smaller water systems in providing safe and reliable water supplies within Ventura County.
To achieve this mission, the Committee shall:
Provide a forum to exchange information from a wide range of agencies and resources.
Identify and provide training and educational needs to the smaller utility operators and managers.
Organize presentations and workshops with qualified speakers.
Encourage creative problem solving and solutions tailored to the smaller system.
Foster cooperation between agencies to improve water quality, reliability and supply by encouraging partnerships and engaging in public and small system advocacy.